Workshop descriptions and bios below.
Click here for the Schedule.

De-Othering Ritual
Please join us to set a container that brings our attention to the magic of the moment we are in and the remarkable humans that we will share this evening with.

Frequency Date EQ
Frequency Date EQ is way for singles to connect in a mindful way. While entraining the frequency of partnership and attuning to your best self. These somatic practices will have you tuning in to your yesses.

Compassionate Communication
Learn how to apply the tools of NVC to your relationships. Practice and understand the skill of empathy in a safe group setting with support and guidance. Get to know and trust yourself and others with more clarity, awareness, alignment and depth, and differentiate between interdependence and codependence.

Tamara bliss
Zouk Micro Fusion
Partner Dance
Experience the beauty and delicious art of Brazilian Zouk with the inclusivity of Fusion Dance. This playshop will introduce the framework of fusion and incorporate the patterns and undulations of zouk. The goal is to build the confidence to be down to dance with a partner to any kind of music and have fun. With over two decades of movement instructions under her soles, Tamara Bliss has been breaking down dance and yoga for others to find their embodiment practice. She is also producing events, Down 2 Dance, that are partner dance based. Her practice also includes over two decades of massage therapy, so workshops are based from anatomical knowledge and setting up success with solid form.

Dakota Quackenbush
Loving Yourself First
Join us for an immersive experience of authentic relating games designed to connect you deeply to your true self. By prioritizing your essence, you’ll cultivate the depth and intention needed to live boldly and attract the love and life you truly desire. Come ready to play full-out and discover the power of self-connection as the foundation for everything else.

maya Diamond
Erotic Blueprint Experience
In this experiential workshop you will have the opportunity to explore the 5 erotic blueprints through touch, dance, music, and your precious body. You will leave understanding the way these blueprints are avenues to deeper levels of opening, self and other connection, and expansion.

Pauline Romas
Awakening the Heart and the Vagus Nerve
Shake off any stress and relax into your awakened and playful heart. Your vagus nerve holds the key to aligning with your most loving self, and you’ll learn the science of why. We’ll do somatic exercises to soothe the nervous system and connect more deeply to ourselves, opening the door for deeper connection with others. Gentle movement, breathwork, meditation, and authentic relating games will invite presence, heart-opening, and taking ourselves less seriously. Come play!

Radical Intimacy
A gateway to an unusual amount of intimacy with others. Step into a shared space of love, trust, and curiosity, skimming away the superficial and experience the nourishment of seeing and being seen with your fellow humans. Facilitated by Michael McDonald, transformational coach and creator of Relational Alchemy.

Victoria angel heart
Tap Into Love
Tap Into Love is a psychedelic journey where you are the medicine! You’ll be taken on a deep healing journey to release whatever is blocking you from feeling fully connected to your heart and empowered to manifest and BE the love you desire. Expect to leave feeling lighter, more free, and more fully aligned with your heart. This will be a closed container, so please arrive on time!

Robin Jaffe
Partner Yoga
Through the values of attunement, consent-to-touch, mindfulness, trust, deep listening and compassion we explore playful connection and levity with partner and group yoga postures and shared breathwork. No yoga experience needed. Open hearts welcome.

Be & Fruit
One Rope Play
One Rope Play is bondage that involves one rope. It’s a foundation for beginners and new exploration for experienced riggers. Instead of focusing on technique, you’ll focus on connection, intuition, and non-verbal communication (verbal communication also welcome and encouraged). You’ll learn to support others bodies into new positions that feel safe, secure and allow for surrendering, alternating between receiving and shaping the experience. People can come alone or partnered. Rope provided.